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Tag Archives: US/Global Economics

A Break On The JCPOA Iran Nuclear Deal?

A Break On The JCPOA Iran Nuclear Deal?  Maybe. It is now reported that “talks are to resume,” although most observers are not optimistic. But then today there is a report of a shakeup in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards hierarchy who seem to control the most serious of these things. Head of their intel, Taeb, has been removed, although it is unclear what this will lead to, despite noises he was too hardline and maybe a deal can be cut with...

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RJS: Latest US Oil Supply and Disposition Data from the EIA 

RJS: Focus on Fracking ________ Summary: US oil supplies at an 18 year low, SPR at a 36 year low, total oil + oil products supply at a 13½ year low. _________ Detail: The Latest US Oil Supply and Disposition Data from the EIA  Sidenote: The US oil data reported this week by the US Energy Information Administration includes updated data for the week ending June 17th, which should have been published last week but wasn’t due to a...

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Income and Spending Decline, Savings Rate Increases

Real personal income and spending decline in May, while the saving rate increases (not good!) In May nominal personal income rose 0.5%, and spending rose 0.2%. But since the personal consumption deflator, i.e., the relevant measure of inflation, rose 0.6%, real income fell -0.1%, and real personal spending fell -0.4%. While both real income and spending are well above their pre-pandemic levels, I have stopped comparing them with that, but...

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Cobweb model

(Dan here…follow the link to the comment section on Kevin Quinn’s somewhat cryptic post to learn more on economics) Muth and Lucas: Call your offices!  On his Marginal Revolution blog, Tyler Cowen describes the recent “purge” in the trucking industry. The pandemic shift in demand towards goods, as opposed to services, produced a big increase in the demand for trucking, which in turn produced a huge response, including a  big increase in the...

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Housing prices surge, no moderation in CPI

House prices continued to surge through April; expect no meaningful moderation in the CPI anytime soon House price increases continued to go through the roof as of April, as reported this morning in both the Case Shiller and FHFA house price indexes. The Case Shiller national index rose another 2.1% for the month and 20.4% YoY, just 0.1% below last month’s biggest YoY% gain ever, while the FHFA purchase only index rose 1.6% for the month, and...

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The Global Financial Cycle and Emerging Market Economies

by Joseph Joyce The Global Financial Cycle and Emerging Market Economies The Federal Reserve’s latest increase in its policy rate is a signal of its desire to reestablish its credibility after U.S. inflation rose to 8.6% in May, and a precursor of more hikes.  Similar increases have been implemented by the Bank of England and the Swiss National Bank, and the European Central Bank has announced that an increase in its policy rate will occur in...

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Back in My Old Home State of Michigan

People in Democrat majority Michigan are Angry . . . Michigan Legislative Black Caucus offers scathing response ( LANSING (WWJ) — The Michigan Legislative Black Caucus, spearheaded by Sen. Marshall Bullock, slammed the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case which effectively ended the constitutional right to abortion in the United States. ...

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Chaos Theory and The End of Roe V Wade

“Chaos Theory and The End of Roe V Wade,” Econospeak, Barkley Rosser Probably the most famous characteristic of chaotic dynamics is the phenomenon known formally as sensitive dependence on initial conditions, which is more popularly known as the “butterfly effect.” In such dynamics a small change in a starting value or a parameter value can rapidly lead to very different outcomes from what would have happened otherwise.  It was first clearly...

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Healthcare, Oil, and SCOTUS Dominates the News

It has been a while since I have listed news articles. Healthcare, Oil, and SCOTUS topics are dominating news today. Colorado is kicking of a Public Option. If successful, it will greatly benefit citizens there. Oil and gasoline are big issues. When taking into consideration inflation, the price today of a gallon of gasoline is less than in 2008. If you were to drive the speed limit, you would help create inventory which lowers pricing. Catch...

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